Photos from when the Elbe flooded in 2006 (not to be confused with the all-time record flood of 2002), preceded by photos from 2010 from the same spots. It was not trivial to align these shots taken 4 years apart and with different cameras. They should sit side-by-side if you expand your browser.
View from Albertbrücke looking West from the South side
Southeast corner of Albertbrücke, looking Northeast. I should have taken the non-flooded picture when the Flohmarkt (flea market) is there in full-effect.
Looking toward the Fährgarten biergarten. The entire biergarten was under water.

Looking East from the south bank. Notice the Waldschlößchenbrücke being assembled in the 2010 shot.
Cool pictures. Now you just need one when the bridge is finished
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