Well, World tour 2008 is about to kick off. World Tour 2007 was a hit and will be hard to match. Here are the current dates:
- April 2-6 Collaboration at MPI-Martinsried
- April 9-11 Mitocheck Annual Meeting
- April 13-15 MPI-CBG Postdoc Retreat
Berlin, Germany
- September 12-16 EMBO Centrosome Conference
- September 19-22 Hanging out with Mom and some good food and sun
Solid yet unconfirmed dates:
* May 30 - April 1 Splatsch Ultimate Frisbee Tournament
Düsseldorf, Germany
* October 15-20 Texas Longhorns football game and general Austin time (good eats)
Austin, TX, USA
Tentative Dates:
*MAY 5-7 Hyman Lab Retreat, Mendel Center (on the site where Mendel worked)
Brno, Czech Republic
* Summer Roughin' it with ol' Mike
??, Madagascar
* December 13-17 ASCB Annual Meeting
San Francisco, USA
Whew. Adds up when you write it all out at once.